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Old 05-23-2008, 04:02 PM   #4
CrackBerry Addict
Join Date: Jun 2007
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yea, i can't stand how people salivate over apple's products. it's pathetic and clearly represents the out of control and mesmerizing flagrant consumerism going on, especially concerning apple and their "hip" and "in" products. blame it on society if you may...but apple is definitely fueling the fire. they have a brilliant marketing department and only apple can sell a 1GB MP3 player for $80 without a screen...when everyone else is selling a 2GB player with screen and FM radio for 3/4 of the price. pure genius if you ask me. the people who are blinded by apple's marketing need to take a step back and realize that apple is just as controlling, if not more than corporations such as Microsoft. people look towards apple products as the "liberators" of the computer world, and the "under-dog" etc...and while their market share is low compared to Microsoft, their iron clad grip on their products is worse. it wasn't too long ago that Apple gave a cease and desist order to an Apple-Clone computer manufacturer. whether this is apple's way of maintaining high they give as their reason for regulating equipment for their OS...or if it's so they can make more be the judge. granted, apple does make high quality products, and their laptops have solid metal exteriors...much more durable than the cheap plastic used in Dell and HP's.

i just want people to take a step back and see the big picture...
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