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Old 09-01-2004, 01:42 PM   #1
Mark Rejhon
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Default New Idokorro telnet/SSH academic/student pricing!

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The maker of the currently best mobile telnet/SSH program has announced student/academic pricing. They are a local company that I frequently correspond with for both MobileSSH and non-MobileSSH matters.

If a university needs to buy a copy, I am sure that Idokorro can help you make telnet/SSH affordable, down to as little as approximately one-tenth the original price -- just $19.90. Or if you are a student or professor that needs a single copy, then can obtain a pretty huge discount - perhaps as large a discount as 90%. However, you need to send a proof of academic status by email, fax, or postal mail.

I do not benefit nor earn commission from this post. But many people I know are madly hunting for a cheap telnet/SSH program.

Note: Please be nice to Idokorro here. Yes, I know the non-student price of $199 is overpriced for the average individual prosumer, however, it is relatively cheap for corporations considering other Blackberry admin software can cost over $1000. Even the nearest competitor, Sonic Mobility, starts at $250. I use the software daily, and none of the five alternatives I have tried proved suitable or as inexpensive despite $199, even though I could technically spend a hundred hours improving an open source alternative to my own specifications. Idokorro is mainly selling MobileSSH to corporations and institutions, although they are known to be happy to accomodate bulk-purchase discounts. Feel free to make suggestions. Also, Idokorro visits this forum and we do not want to scare them away. Plus, the competition are as follows:

The 5 most inexpensive alternatives I've found:
Idokorro -- $199 for corporations + unlimited hosts; and 90% discount to $19.90 for academic
NeedText Shell -- more expensive at $695 even for unlimited;
SonicMobility -- more expensive at $250 for single user/single host;
MuTelnet -- free; primitive; doesn't even accept keypresses on Blackberry; no source code
TelnetFloyd -- free; doesn't install properly
Mark Rejhon
Author of XMPP extension XEP-0301: - specification - open source