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Old 12-04-2009, 01:00 AM   #6
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you brought up an interesting point there monkeypaw. on the one hand you have a man who's more than earned the right to do whatever the f%##@ he wants. on the other you have the HOA who has in their bylaws/rules/whatever he signed the verbage that states no flagpoles in the front yard. what do you do? if the by laws also state you can't paint your house bright orange then who's to stop someone from doing that if they let the old vet keep his flagpole.

this argument isn't about the american flag at all really, it's about whether or not some one is allowed a flagpole in their front lawn. i am pretty sure that the HOA allows some way to display the flag but from what i have manged to find on the news topic a permanent flag pole in the ground isn't one of them.

would i give the old vet a break? hell yeah! would i give the old codger down the street a break if he chooses lime green for his shutter paint? well now i have a problem. how to accommodate the both of them. you simply can't.

now don't get me wrong HOA laws rub me wrong no matter how you look at it. however if you buy into a neighborhood with them then well there really isn't much you can do. you could have bought elsewhere. Or you take it to the press if you feel you are really being wronged. as is the case here.

this man fought for real freedom. the kind of freedom we can only dream about these days. he'll prevail in one way or another i have no doubt, because he fought a fight many years ago that threatened more than his right to cement his front lawn. he brought down the very face of evil in ww2.

whether he is forced to remove a pole from his lawn or he gets to keep it, he has done more fighting in one hour of his life than ANY one has done in the last 25 years.

/rant over
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