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Old 02-16-2010, 10:04 PM   #5
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Originally Posted by callanbrown View Post
Hi guys,

My girlfriend's 8220 was acting up so I tried to update to the newest OS. There was a failure, and I was left with error 561. I wiped the phone with JL_Cmder but the phone would reset every time I tried to load software with the desktop software and with apploader.

To fix the phone, I created a batch file that ran javaloader.exe for each file, then paused to continue. This is because almost EVERY file would load correctly but reset the BB. Example of the batch file:

SET /p continue=[y or n]
IF NOT %continue% == y GOTO END
javaloader -u load net_rim_platform_resource.cod
SET /p continue=[y or n]
IF NOT %continue% == y GOTO END
javaloader -u load net_rim_platform_resource__en.cod
SET /p continue=[y or n]
IF NOT %continue% == y GOTO END

After loading the 700 or files (next time i would remove all of the language resources to bring it down to 150-250ish) I checked the event log from JL_Cmder to see if any files were corrupted (there were about 5), then reloaded those. The phone revived! I then ran Apploader again and now everything is fine.

Hope this helps someone! If anyone needs more info on how to create the batch file (I used MS Excel and VBA to generate the script) send a PM.
Hi Im having problems loading the os too;

Can you help me make the batch file?

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