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Old 06-23-2008, 02:06 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by oakie View Post
my girlfriend is in the middle of the dilemma right now... she's coming up on the end of her contract and is debating between the curve and the pearl. she just tried out both last night side by side.

she loves the larger screen and full qwerty of the curve (she has tiny fingers, so she loves it even more) but the svelte pearl and it's doubletap keyboard (she dislikes suretype) are also very attractive to her as she feels she can doubletap type as fast or faster than she can type on the curve. the size of the curve is worth the trade for a larger screen, in her opinion.

and after sleeping on it, she still cant decide between the two since T-Mobile corporate has the two phones advertised for the same price right now.
I actually have both of these phones. I use the Curve for work stuff, and the Pearl for personal stuff. I just the Pearl over the weekend, so it's taking a little getting used to, but I've had the Curve for a couple of months and I love it. I was going to get another Curve for my personal phone, but thought this might get a little too confusing, since I typically carry both phones with me most of the time.

I also got the pink Pearl for my wife, so we're both still getting used to the functions. I'll be happy report back in a couple of weeks and let you all know what I find.
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