Thread: 3G Curve
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Old 06-18-2008, 11:00 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Concept View Post
I wouldn't quite say that. T Mobile has had the "best" customer service something like 3 years in a row according to JD Power survey. I can vouch for T MO's service. I can call anytime day or night and get a blackberry rep in the first 30 seconds of the call. And they almost always just do what I ask (unlock, send service books, activate sim, pay for a new sim, etc.) within the first minute of talking to a BB rep. All I do is explain that I've done steps A, B, C and they usually just agree and do what I want. Step A is always call back from a phone other than the BB that is in question, Step B is always pull the battery and do a hard reset, Step C is always some sort of network registration.
He is right there is no blanket best carrier. I was with Tmobile for my entire contract then quit. They did have excellent customer service, but my problem with them was really my smartphone habbit. I buy just about every smartphone (I hate dumbphones with a passion) out there, and every Tmobile smartphone is a way underpowered version of every smartphone carried by other carriers. I had the MDA, which is half the mhz speed as the same type of smartphone carrier on every other carrier. I had the dash, which is a 200mhz version of the same device as on other carriers. Even the new shadow has a 200mhz processor!!! What the hell carrier (besides tmobile) still releases smartphones with crappy 200mhz processors??? For power user gadget freaks like me Tmobile sucks balls. The only smartphones they have that are good enough to compete with the big boys are blackberry units. I think they spend cheaply on half speed smartphones and sell them for the same price as the big boys pay for devices with specs that are 2x greater.

Other than underpowered devices, Tmobile was a great service. For me, it is NOT a blanket best service. The blanket best service would carry the best phones out there that will not skimp on specs and also provice the best coverage and world class tech support. Tmobile has weak phones. Verizon has crap phones and gets their BB late ... to be fair that is not the fault of Verizon, its because manufacturers do not produce CDMA phones for the most part. That is why most of their phones are purely LG because they seem to love making CDMA phones. Verizon does have the best service ... better than Tmobile and AT&T. AT&T has the best phones of all of the carriers (smartphone wise), but the service is not as good as Verizons. But, it is good enough for me. So, for ME, AT&T is the best choice even though it is not PERFECT. Sprint I have no experience with, but their phones are like Verizon because ... well, CDMA.

There is no blanket best service, just the service that works best for YOU.
The crazy Filipino!!
PIN: 20FA40E8
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