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Old 04-19-2008, 10:49 PM   #15
Thumbs Must Hurt
Join Date: Feb 2008
Model: 812-
Carrier: SunCom
Posts: 57

Originally Posted by WFLDEng611 View Post
You sure do, owning an iPhone is no cheaper that a BB.
Then it remains amazing where we are in 2008, and what features 'aren't' in either of these devices. I left AT&T (and a nice little Nokia) to go with a different carrier (suncom, as they are getting absorbed by tmobile now). The BB Pearl seemed to have most all I wanted: decent wifi, compatibility with the Mac ('though not via bluetooth !?!), size, etc.

Still, in today's world, no one has coded a pop mail client for this little device? Wow.

Yeah, I'm aware of the iPhone's limitations -- they are mostly software, and if Apple would stop robbing paul to pay peter (pulling the OS/server coders to work on iPhone, then back again), they could code out the additional 'obvious' features. Of course, they need to code in a bunch of OS mistakes that arose in 10.5 that were NOT a limitation with 10.4. Apple is going through some growing pains.

So on the BB side, how large of a company is RIM (on the technical side)? I've sent them links to this forum to ask if they can examine what they could improve for the user experience, and for Macs. They didn't appear to take much time to cruise around here. Maybe their day is short, or they just don't understand the value of mining these sites for 'honest' feedback about their sw. The hardware is nice enough.

Hmmm... so what you guys are patiently telling me is that I need to get up with my carrier to see if I have a push option. They assigned an email address for me (the one based on the phone number), so I can get alerts - but I'm unclear how I use it for outbound email at the moment.

thanks for the input!
You cannot have enough backups but you can have too few.
Pearl 8120, OS v4.3.0.72; PB G4 867, OS 10.5.2, USB -- useless BT thx to RIM .
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