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Old 02-18-2008, 06:34 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by edude03 View Post
Hello everyone,
I'm new here, and I'm not sure if this is a touchy subject but I'd like to do some blackberry hacking. I have taken a few software engineering courses and I am in my second year of computer engineering at UoW.

Anyway, My goal is to get software to run natively outside of the BB OS, has any work been done in this area?

Furthermore, is there anyway to get access to the hardware while in the BBOS? It seems that development is limited without the key, however, I only bought a BB to play with so I'm looking for a way around that.

Another thing I wondered, How does a service provider program the phone initially? I haven't been able to find any information on a PST tool or service mode for any of the blackberry models which I find highly unusual considering I can even get into service mode on my Treo.

Also, I would like to run linux or something on it since like I said, I'm not really interested in using it as a phone.

Thanks for any information you can provide, and for the record I have a 8820 and a 8830 thanks,

Blackberry OS programming is ONLY done by RIM. The carriers have little to do with it . They agree what wioll be on their phones and RIM puts it on at their factory.

If you have taken "a few courses" and you do a little homework about RIM, you would have already decided to look else where for hacking!

And SteakMan, yes many things have been hacked and there is a possibilty that even RIM will get hacked one day, but I highky doubt it will be from a guy who has "a few courses".

It will be a sad day for Blackberry when this does happen and it's users!
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