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Old 07-31-2005, 06:56 PM   #51
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: May 2005
Model: 7100T
Posts: 17
Default 7100T Goes For a Swim

Well, I read this thread too late, on how to survive water damage. It happened a few hours ago -- full immersion in the pool for perhaps a soild minute. And it was on.

I don't expect it to survive but here's how bad it was:

FULL immersion in the pool, probably anywhere from 30 secs to 2 mins. When I took it out, it was still on, showing the Tmobile spinner thingy. Guess it was rebooting to swimming mode. I took the battery and sim card out, dried it off and thats when I noticed that there was so much water under the screen, it looked like one of those snow globes without the snow.

I was able to get all that water out. Now its baking in the Arizona heat and who knows, maybe it has a SLIGHT chance but I'm not counting on it. Tomorrow I will leave it in the car where it WILL get up to 150ish. How would one bake it at 150-180 degrees? My oven doesnt do that. Doesn't matter, I dont have distilled water or the special screwdrivers.

If it survives this, I think I'll be the winner for best survival without extraordinary ressucitation techniques. Don't hold your breath.

I suppose my insurance isn't going to cover it. My insurance is with the company that sold it to me, not T-Mobile, so this should be interesting. Anyone know any good 7100T deals? This will be an expensive swim.
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