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Old 12-25-2007, 02:21 AM   #53
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Originally Posted by Alex Alexzander View Post
iGen, and your iGen will be running the country...

Oh Pa leez...

You guys have zero footprint in the enterprise. You're strictly a consumer presence. You have an international share of just about 3%, and yet you still somehow think that because you sell more MP3 players than any other company that you are somehow the chosen ones who will run the world. It's just as I said it was. You guys tend to think you're leaders, and you're not. What you do lead in, doesn't really matter much either.

But what I find most disturbing about your cult is this. You seem to take pride in when the CEO of the company you love wins a market. Everything is us against everyone else. You want to win for the sake of winning, but never ask yourselves if it's actually a good thing.

Why would I want a closed company to win anything? I like that the BlackBerry has an open system anyone can write applications for. We got ToDoMatrix as a result of that, and it helps me do my job. RIM didn't say to me that the base applications were all I needed, and then deny my outside support the way Apple is doing with the iPhone. RIM didn't tell me that if I wanted this phone I had to pay full price, and buy a contract with no discount. Apple did.

The PC world didn't tell me I had to buy a machine from Dell, or HP, or Gateway. I can build my own just the way I want it so that it fits the job I have in mind for it.

Adobe writes software for the Mac and the PC. Microsoft does this as well. But does Apple? Just iTunes, and only because the vast majority of iPod owners are from the PC side. You barely have 25 million users, and the fact that you can sell 10 -20 million iPods per quarter shows that virtually 20% at best of iPod customers are Mac customers. The other 80% are PC users. Your beloved company enjoys is vast marketshare of iPod sales only because it opened the door to the real world, which is the PC market.

Apple is not a company to give God status to. You mac users always tend to call anyone who doesn't see it your way, ignorant. I happen to be one of Apple's core customer types. An editor, a DVD author, and a creative designer. You can look up my name on Amazon if you like, and you'll find that I wrote a book on DVD Studio Pro for CMP in 2005. I lead every forum on Creative Cow with regards to DVD authoring, and have about 20 posted articles there. I own OSXWORLD.COM, which I am gladly trying to sell off now, and not only moderate the Los Angeles Final Cut Pro Users Group, I am also the co-founder / vice president of the LA Avid Users Group, and the San Francisco Avid users group. I am directly named in the PR sheets for Magnet Media training of all Apple products. Believe me, the only ignorance here is yours.

A bunch of cult wanna-bee users do not equate to world leaders. Reading MacRumors and buying Apple products is not a world leading education. Want to know what is going on in the world, read The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, and whatever paper happens to be in your city. Look at companies for what they offer, and evaluate them on their merits. Don't blindly follow a guy in jeans and a mock turtleneck just because he tells you he likes to make cool products. I like cool stuff too. But come on, the rest of us have a business to run, a client to satisfy, and future to build. That's not accomplished by running to the expo and cheering at no matter what Jobs says followed by the customarily parting of cash that goes with it.

-Alex Alexzander

Alex very well said. Some people will be thick skinned about this issues and always say it's there Iway or no way.....

Again good write up Sir..