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Old 11-12-2007, 12:32 PM   #60
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Model: 8830
Carrier: sprint
Posts: 3
Default cannot tether with ibook G4; sprint no help

I have the sprint 8830 paired to the laptop. With WWAN I dial #777 with fields blank and there's a message saying "dialing PPP" and then a window pops up "modem error." Unlike most people on the thread I seem to have slightly better results when I use my sprint blackberry sign in name and password rather than leave fields blank. Then the bluetooth light on the phone comes on, the phone says "modem mode enabled" and I can see that they are exchanging data but about 25 seconds into dialling it cannot complete the connection and gives me the same modem error. Yes, I ve tried with sprint vision and WWAN; yes airport is off. Sprint 'techs' tell you right off that I should not be using it with a mac bc they are not compatible which does not reflect my experience. Help! I otherwise love this phone but I'll have to return it if I can't resolve this issue.
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