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Old 08-30-2007, 09:04 AM   #1
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Default Possibly Coming Back Home From An iPhone

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I got an iPhone as a gift so I could not turn it down and it is an impressive piece of technology. I have my iPod, camera, email, etc, etc. It is glossy and pretty and the internet is pretty impressive. I have found myself reading message boards on it, which I never liked doing on my BB. My last BB was an 8800.

I already have an iPod and refuse to buy an ADAPTER for the headphone jack so I can play my iPhone in my car. Why would I as I already have an 80GB iPod? My gf has had to add a 1,500 SMS plan to her account so we can IM back in forth because, OH WAIT, I CAN'T IM with my iPhone. I will admit that the way the iPhone does SMS is pretty cool, ESPECIALLY if you are sending it to a person with a BB as you can type as many characters as you want in the "SMS" on the iPhone and if sent to a person with a BB, it will show up as a single message in their inbox.

So TECHNICALLY, my IM issue is solved for the FEW people I know who have BBs. For everyone else, they will get stacked SMS messages from me and may or may not have to pay for them..

Jive Talk is the best IM client I have ever used and I LOVED it on the BB as it was FLAWLESS. It is technically available on the iPhone but OH WAIT, Apple will not let anyone load 3P apps without HACKING the phone so JT, for example, has to be run via Safari...which means I have to leave Safari OPEN on my iPhone to truly IM but WAIT, don't step away for a minute as Safari will shut down and BYE BYE IM awareness!!

I have not used the camera, I have used the iPod less than 10 times, I HAVE shown photos but the BB actually can do this quite well...

One of my biggest gripes and maybe a bit weird is that the iPhone has nothing to compare to the Password Keeper on the BB. I have TONS of IDs and PWs and while the "Notes" could be used to store all this information, it cannot be PW-protected so I lose my iPhone someone can login to my credit card accounts...uhhhhhh, NO.

Using a Mac at home I will admit the overall sync is pretty sweet between my calendar, iTunes, Contacts, etc...but the BB does ALL of this just as well IMO.

I loved my 8800 and hear the 8820 is coming out soon and even read somewhere that a Curve with GPS may be out soon. When I got my iPhone ALLLLLLLL I heard was there would be this update or that update coming and we would IM this or that app or whatever. I have seen NONE of this. I know it has not beeen long but some of these are features that should have been there day 1. YouTube is cool and all but.....

The iPhone is gorgeous and the screen has held up beyond what I ever could have imagined but I just may not be the target market for this device.. I am wondering if anyone who has used a BB is the target market for this device actually. The iPhone does A LOT right and has been just as stable as any BB but coming from a BB and enjoying what a BB does well, it is hard to stay away from the BB family.

So how long before that Curve with the GPS is coming out........?
Who's that peekin' in my window?...POW....nobody now.
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