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Old 07-08-2007, 10:15 PM   #284
Alex Alexzander
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Originally Posted by BayshoreTommy View Post
First of all, Apple mixed with any corporate Microsoft Prodcut just sucks, our CEO insists on using his MacBook with Entourage while the rest of the corporation uses Outlook running on XP Pro.

He has issues all the time and he is running the best of the best hardware and software, unfortunatly MAC just doesnt fit into the corporate "on the go/mobile" environment that its trying to so hard to be a part of.

The iphone is a "Beautiful Failure" geared towards your crowd of myspacers and prepay type users.

For many years I was much that person. For a good 3 years, I was the only person in a tech company using a Mac laptop. Microsoft actually did have an Outlook for the Mac in the OS9 says. It was called Watson. Microsoft would say they would support the Mac for business, then change their minds. I had Office for the Mac, Fast Track was used in place of Project. I didn't have a VISIO replacement. I simply used Illustrator. My topology maps always looked better anyway.

The Mac was indeed hard to work with in the so called, "Corporate America". I suppose if you're determined to make it work, you can. But those that claim it is easy, are not being honest with themselves. Simple things like network shares with UNC names are difficult. You can buy a util called DAVE which handles this, but it costs about as much as the MacOS itself.

Apple has always made "nice" things. But I hate to say this; nice things don't always get the job done. For the last few years I stopped caring about what things look like. Not entirely of course, but enough to realize that what the tool does is more important than what it looks like.

As you spend all day working within an application, you stop caring about what the OS looks like. It's the actual software, and it's functions that really matter. This is where the Apple, the Mac, and yes even the iPhone all fall short. Looks great, but lacks where it truly counts. Folks will always see the beauty of Apple products, and allow desire and emotion to govern their choice. For me, the tools are simply not there. And once I was honest enough with myself to admit that; it became clear the Mac was no longer the correct choice for me. I still see them as great looking products. But in that same thought, I see the lack of functions I need, and the lack of real reason to own one.

When I see Mac users taking screen shots of their desktop, I have to honestly laugh. Those whom have nothing better to do than stand back and look at the computer instead of using it are never going to see eye to eye with the likes of me. We just have different reasons for owning these machines in the first place.

I mostly just need to get work done. Not always, as is the case here, but my work does govern much of my choices.
