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Old 06-04-2007, 12:24 PM   #143
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Originally Posted by jddphd View Post
I have an idea.

At the risk of being banned from this forum, I'd like to suggest that the two of you f*cking grow up and settle your differences like reasonable people. Arguing on a forum? Give me a break. You know perfectly well that if you were face to face you wouldn't be acting like this. This was a decent thread until things got out of hand.

someonexh - do what xxxxxxx asks you to do and get it sorted so that you're satisfied. honestly you've got virtually no credibility left as it seems like you're a highly disgruntled customer among many satisfied ones.

xxxxxxx - if you believe the user's being defamatory then tell a mod. you're not doing yourself or your company any favors by letting this carry on.

both of you - if you're going to be "the bigger man" (or woman) about this, then STFU already and do so.
... wow such words of wisdom.

He has not asked me to do anything, had he responded to any of the multiple emails I sent, this would have been avoided as I pointed out. As far as credibility... umm this is the internet no one has credibility. Imagine if you in my position and you were told that you were some spy and used a bunch of idle threats saying you were being investigated and made up a bunch of b.s. about you (editing posts.. working for a competitor), would you sit there and not respond in public? I am betting by the tone and the way you worded this post it would be not much different, I asked him to PM me numerous times or email me, he wanted to continue in public therefore I felt I had to defend myself.