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Old 03-15-2007, 04:33 PM   #15
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Model: 7130e
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Posts: 444

Originally Posted by archer6
I find SureType a brilliant and fast input method. I truly enjoy the benefits it has to offer.

As a result of this new technology, I can enjoy a small BlackBerry which is faster, more stable and reliable that any other smartphone I've used. Which have been Treo's, Moto-Q, & Blackjack, all with full qwerty keyboards. Yet all with various bugs in the OS, causing freezes, or other operational problems which usually occur just when I'm in the middle of an important email.

Because of BB's ability to multitask, provide push mail, and great internet connectivity, I can get more work done in a shorter period of time. And in the process, have the peace of mind that it's not going to let me down.

Brilliantly said.

Unfortunately for most, it's one of those life lessons that they have to learn first-hand.

The grass isn't greener on your side of the fence until you've been on the other side for at least awhile. ;)