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Old 04-16-2006, 12:46 AM   #8
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Rochester, NY
Model: 8100
Carrier: T-Mobile
Posts: 47

To all of the idiots saying "just suck it up and dual-boot XP" - that kills the whole point of the amazing integration apple has w/, iCal, Address Book, and all of the other OS apps. If you don't have / use a mac much (or properly) that means nothing to you, but then you also wouldn't understand my calling you an "idiot" for your "suggestion" :D Having to somehow do periodic exports of all of these applications, copying them to my FAT32 XP partition and importing / merging w/ Windows' piss-poor facsimiles of these applications could be SOMEWHAT automated w/ an AppleScript or Apple's Automator, not so much on the PC side, but that is not true SYNCing - nor is it a good or efficient workflow. What NEEDS to happen is RIM needs to get off their proverbial butt and instead of licensing a crappy band-aid like Pocket Mac, they need to make these devices standards-based. It ALWAYS pisses me off when people call Macs "Proprietary" and say that is why such-and-such won't work, what could be more standards based than *nix (BSD) and running things like Apache, etc - I run my business on an XSERVE and let me tell you, Apple is as standards-based as they come. If RIM could latch into the iCal API directly (even 37Signal's basecamp website can do this!) or make everything SyncML or iSync compatible, that would fix it - hell, my several-year old Sony Ericsson T616 could do all of that, and over BT to boot.....