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Old 10-01-2012, 11:00 AM   #5
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Default Re: BES App Whitelists = Not Really

Originally Posted by fadmin View Post
Probably that is the closest you'd get for the requirement you have. Was wandering if you want to make 200 apps optional you may as well let them install whatever they want. Another thing you may try is to create small internal website with all allowed apps and install it from there.
I know it does not help you but as I said they did get it right in BDS and will do what you want .
- The 200 number was, of course, just an example. It was to show how unacceptable RIM's software config 'whitelist' option is, because it tries to push the apps to the handhelds, rather than just allowing.
- How does "creating an internal site for allowed apps" prevent users from installing from other sources. Remember the point of this was to prevent users from installing any apps except x, y, z.
- You are correct, requiring BDS and the currently vaporware BB10 devices, and then requiring the entire company upgrade to these new devices so that this policy can be enforced, is not realistic.

It's always this type of seemingly simple security request that makes you think you are missing something when you can't figure out how to implement it.
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