Thread: Treo 700??
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Old 02-18-2006, 05:59 AM   #18
Knows Where the Search Button Is
ladyhollman's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: USA
Model: 8700g
Posts: 40

I have one, a gift from my father the trinket man, the 700W. He has one and has insited the family has one too. So....I smiled and said thank you.

Anyway, this is coming from a person who generally uses Macs, Palm OS devices, and a BB, so I'm trying to keep an open mind now that I've been pretty spoiled.


The email is um well, a pain. A pure pain for a BB affectionado. Hopefully BB Connect will show its face soon because I can not take it any longer.

One has to use the stylus for certain things. I absentmindedly keep trying to thumb roll the side. LOL!

WinCE or whatever its called now, sometimes irritates the crap out of me. The sub-par memory management was expected. A few times, I had to pop the battery 'cause there was some freeze when I opened lots of stuff at the same time. Palm OS it is definitely not.

The battery does not last anywhere near that of a regular Palm device for some odd reason. Maybe I got a bad one?

Uh, IE doesn't seem wap enabled so pages go off the screen. Irritating! I fixed that by using the Opera (beta) browser...much nicer now. That was an OTA load, btw, from a linked site (not the Opera site which will drive you insane using that mini IE)

It seems like you can't really turn the device off.

I can't figure out how to filter spam. I see no option to do so.

I see no way to filter unwanted Text messages either. A real problem if you get a "recycled" phone number as Text messages generally cost per message if not on the plan.

I wouldn't use it for serious business, at the moment.


It has a nice interface for a WinCE device. Its cool looking. Really it is.

If you want to call someone, simply start typing and the name lookup pops onto the screen for your choice of number to call.

There's a nice "okay" button to close an open app.(I used to have an iPaq phone with no nice button such as this)

Its not very big at all. Similar in size to my 7105.

The green phone button has a list of recent callees which comes up like the start menu. If you have more than one number for a name, it displays an arrow for you to chose which number to call.

Turning on the voice option causes the phone to "speak" who is calling and whether its from their home, work, or mobile phone. It has gotten the hard to pronounce names correct, to include my first name. There is also a way to use the voice command to open and close apps.

It has an expansion card slot, like all other Palm devices.

If you are one of the folks complaining about taking pics wth our phone, then I guess you'll be happy.

There's a really nice add-on game (its on the CD) that's highly addictive in case you get bored. Battery drainer, so watch out.

The broadband is quite fast.

If you click on a PDF (web page link) it downloads the PDF for viewing. (A downside is the PDF viewer app is a serious memory hog)

I played that game a lot. That's all I can think of at the moment.
7105t / 8700g

Last edited by ladyhollman; 02-18-2006 at 06:17 AM..