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Old 05-11-2011, 11:58 PM   #202
David Haddad
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Default Re: why blackberry users will bail on RIM

Originally Posted by Robert_K View Post
Sorry, you must have got a dud. Mine has been absolutely perfect. Of course I did my research before I bought the phone and bought an extended battery. I use it all day and when I get home from work I still have 75% battery left. So far everything about my ThunderBolt kills anything my Storm and Bold were capable of doing.

It would be different if ALL I needed was instantaneous email and nothing else I would have Blackberry, but I don't. My email client updates every 5 minutes and that's fine for most people especially when you're not required to pull the battery twice a day. My phone never crashes or freezes up or tells me my memory is low and I need to reboot. The apps are better, faster, and the MarketPlace is 10x faster than navigating App World.

Regardless of which Android you purchase there is a reason it now accounts for 33% of OSs installed on smartphones. Just a matter of time before someone cashes in on a viable enterprise solution to take full advantage of them.

I'm also a long time BB user that just purchased a Thunderbolt. I'm in heaven. It kills me when people keep using the line that the BB is a "business device". ALL I use my phone for is business and the Thunderbolt is more of a business device than any BB can dream of, for *me* (not saying for everyone). I actually didn't realize until I got my hands on this thunderbolt just how much my productivity was being impacted by my BB. A lot of us actually need good internet access as part of our business, not just email.

IMO if BB doesn't catch up soon they will be like Palm in a couple of years.

You are also spot on, everything I cared about that I originally HAD to have my BB for is now easy to do with other phones. Multiple email accounts, multiple exchange accounts, and with MS active sync on an exchange account the user doesn't really know the difference versus BES.
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