Thread: Battery Life
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Old 02-23-2011, 10:23 PM   #14
New Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Model: 9000
Carrier: Rogers
Posts: 12
Default Re: Battery Life

I have a problem with my battery too (9000 model). Four times now in the past two weeks my phone just shuts off when there are at least one or two full bars of battery life left. When I turn the phone back on, there is absolutely no battery at all (battery icon is red) and I have to charge it. So my phone does not properly indicate that I am low on battery, it just turns off.

Is this a problem exclusive to the 9000 model or is this the natural behavior of batteries? I find it a bit ridiculous that my aunt who has a 9700 model can have a similar usage pattern as I do, yet her's lasts two days. That is unheard of to me. It may have something to do with the fact that I charge my phone overnight every night, plugged in for at least 7 hours.
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