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Old 01-24-2011, 03:36 PM   #1
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Default Stolen Blackberry Bold 9780 Question

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I have a long winded post here....

Last monday I went out in Cardiff to a club, and was bbming my friend. My last bbm to her was at 02:57 where i said, 'see you in a sec'. I went to the toilet and I think i left it by the sink to wash my hands. I then walked out and straight away realised I didn't have my phone, so ran back in there to find it had gone.

Now. I loved this phone. It was so good! so i'd do anything to get it back.

The situation is so far:
Straight after I'd lost it, I rang it, but it went straight to answer phone. So, with the device fully charged at the time, the battery must have been taken out. I asked at the bar and they have not seen it at all.

Having rung vodafone to block the SIM, i requested they did not block the IMEI, so that the thief would start using it and potentially be traceable.

I've tried BBMing my PIN, but the messages aren't reading 'D' so aren't being delivered, again the phones probably off.

So my question is really, what the hell is being done with my phone? if nobody's using it and its not been handed in to the police or the bar, whats left to do with it? such a desirable phone would not be sold for parts surely????

Any help at all will be greatly appreciated.

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