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Old 10-04-2010, 11:27 AM   #4
Thumbs Must Hurt
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The advantage of using owa is that you bypass any caching associated with the fat Outlook client...if users have calendar errors we

1) discuss calendaring best practices with them as outlined above
2) remove problem user from cache mode in Outlook and rename *.ost file
3) get one "version" of the calendar as correct as possible, ideally the OWA version
4) do a /rset from the device to delete the old, possibly corrupt calendar from the handheld and repupulate it with the correct version from step 3
5) tell the user to take 2-3 minutes every morning to review their calendar, looking for new items, unexpected items or inconsistencies

In addition to the things above, we've found recurring appt's to be an say an appt. was every Monday from 1/1/2011 through 12/31/2011 at 830 am..then in July it changes to 900'd think you could simply change the appt...but Microsoft suggests their best practice is to delete the original appt and create a new one at the new time..another issue is the forwarding of appt's....Microsoft suggests that rather than forwarding an appointment, you get with the organizer and add the person as an attendee..that way they will be notified if the appt. changes at all... we always lets the users know that calendaring is one of the most complex operations when you add the complexity of multiple devices and (potentially) multiple delegates.
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