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Old 08-02-2010, 12:46 PM   #20
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Having visited the Middle East I can tell you the people are absolutely wonderful. In Iran, as an American, I was routinely welcomed and invited to homes for dinner on many occasions. The governments of the Middle East MUST NOT enjoy economic relations with America if they do not embrace the notions of basic human rights and equitable treatment.

Sadly, both conservative (Bush) and liberal regimes in Washington (Obama) have literally kissed Saudi royals. America pours millions into Saudi coffers, some of which is used to oppress its citizens and fund radical Islamic endeavors. America treats its dogs better than the Saudi government treats its people. Women are treated like cattle and yet still Saudi officials get couch time in the oval office. Washington has touted its policy of "democracy exportation" to Iraq and sends its American soldiers shed their blood and give their lives in support of this endeavor, while American "allies" next door operate as royal dictators. Evidently money is more important to American politicians than our constitutional values.

G-Talk for Blackberry folks and keep the lines of communication open with our friends abroad during this time of persecution. Write your congressman/woman and let them know freedom is more important than oil.

Verizon 9530
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