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Old 08-02-2009, 07:58 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by tateu View Post
Not going to happen. only updates Current Conditions once every hour so even if I set BBWeather to grab data every 5 minutes, it would end up grabbing the same data over and over. And I believe the forecasts are only updated every couple of hours...or more. The only real situation where I think a shorter update interval would be beneficial is if you were on the move and getting weather based on GPS. I'm still not going to change it, though.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. From what I can tell, the current conditions are updated more often than that (based upon my yahoo widget), and the forcast at least once an hour. To have an icon on the desktop that's as up-to-date as possible though, the poll frequency has to be very high. Here's why:

Let's say that the site updates current conditions every 30 minutes and the poll frequency is set at 30 minutes. The icon might poll at 12:50, when the site was set to update at 12:51. When this happens, you won't get that updated information on your desktop for anther 29 minutes - because you missed it by a minute.

If the program can poll every 5 minutes though, at least you'll never go more than 4 minutes without having the latest 'available' information. You might not get 'new' information with each poll, but you'll never miss an update by more than 4 minutes.

As often as changes are being made to the program, it would just be nice to have the option. Some folks may wish to leave their poll frequencies at 30 min and 120 min respectively, but I'd love to set mine to 5 min and 5 min.

Thanks again for your time and patience,
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