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Old 07-30-2009, 10:29 AM   #4
New Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Model: 9530
Carrier: MTS
Posts: 8

I'm using the same setup, Storm 9530, BB Maps and Google Maps (but v:3.0.2) with the Freedom 2000 Keychaing GPS puck.

The problem I'm having is that when I pair my Storm with the GPS puck, launch BB Maps connect with satellites and load Google maps, it works fine.....but after a short period of time, it seems to go into standby mode (blue light on Storm stops blinking) or if I manually disconnect by shutting it off or going out of reach of the GPS puck with my Storm and try to re-enable it after, it won't work. The only way to reconnect my Storm with the puck is to completely delete it out of my bluetooth settings and re-pair it, as though it's the first time using it. It seems like the bluetooth in the Storm is acting up and won't reconnect to this device. I haven't tried any other bluetooth devices (don't have any). Is this a known problem, if so has anyone heard of any solutions?


7250 -> 8703e -> 8830 World -> 8130 Pearl -> 8330 Curve -> 9530 Storm
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