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Old 07-22-2009, 01:31 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by funkym View Post
I really don't know what your problem is. Just press the screen and it jumps to the current GPS position.

P.S.: You're not on Verizon, right?
I'll tell you what his problem is. It's the same as mine. He's sick and tired of trying to get this app to work. And NO....just clicking on the screen doesn't do a thing for me except "click" and then, "oh wow, how cool, I'm still in the middle of the ocean off the west coast of Africa. Maybe I've been kidnapped by pirates!"

No, the only pirates I'm aware of are the developers of this app. TopoExplorer really could be something of worthiness, but the developers have chosen to push this app onto the market and use us as their beta testers. And, the idiotic responses I've received from them(ie, "it works on our Storm") after I've spent a lot of time working with this app and providing them with detailed information for them to troubleshoot. That's insulting!!!!!!!!!!! I have a Ph.D in Geology and Geophysics, a Masters in Cartography and umpteen years of experience with GPS apps. TopoExplorer just happens to be one of those apps that sucks and it sucks because of the developers attitude towards the consumer and those who are struggling to get TopoExplorer to work.

I'm glad TopoExplorer is working for you, funkym. But, something is very different on your end in order for this app to work. Are you in the US. Are you using a Blackberry Storm 9530 on Verizon? How long did it take you to get a GPS fix. Does TopoExplorer follow your location when traveling at highway speeds (or knots in the middle of the ocean?).

What a shame when beta testing and troubleshooting is left to users on a forum with absolutely no sign of concern nor any feedback from the developer.
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