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Old 05-07-2009, 03:40 PM   #72
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Jul 2006
Model: 9700
Carrier: AT&T
Posts: 23

Just to add to this thread...I'm traveling with my Bold in Sweden, near Gothenburg. On arrival, all my emails came in just fine. Since then, service has been very unpredictable. Sometimes mail comes in and I can use the Internet, sometimes not. Sometimes the Manage Connections status says that I have voice on the mobile network (it always picks a certain 3G one) but Blackberry service is "not connected". I think that it was also messing with my wifi access and my abilty to change carriers as I moved around. For the last six days, since I arrived, I've called AT&T International support every day for the same problem. I've gotten mostly terrible advice (such as "pull out the battery and that will fix it" and "we don't have data contracts for roaming in Sweden"), but sympathy and good support from the "Tier 3 international data" people. Today I overrode the "automatic" 3G carrier in favor of the 2G carrier that always worked well in the past with my 8700c. Everything seems to be fixed, for now. So I'll stay in manual mode in this neighborhood and hope for better service as I travel around. I sure wish I'd seen this thread six days ago. And I wish AT&T would let me avoid 3G until the networks are compatible.
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