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Old 04-26-2009, 09:38 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by rasmith3530 View Post
OK, so in the case of the folks I know, that means the Chicago market. If you can't get good 3G reception in the Chicagoland area, that pretty much sucks. You're telling me that, in order to not drop calls on their iPhones, my friends have to turn off 3G service in favor of GPRS?

Also, why is all the buzz related to the iPhone 3G. I'm not hearing a clamoring of issues from folks other than iPhone users. I have friends with AT&T phones other than iPhones, and I don't have them dropping calls like flies. In fact, when my best friend's wife was using her previous phone, an unlocked, 3G capable Moto RIZR, she never dropped a call we were on. Now, with her iPhone 3G, it's a regular occurrence.

Google on iPhone reception issues
When you switch off 3G you are in EDGE, not GPRS. Also, many of the reception problems were also corrected with later software updates. Apple isn't the only one with device problems. The Storm and Bold both had serious issues that had to be corrected with software updates. Some carriers overseas dropped the Bold entirely due to on going problems.
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