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Old 03-22-2009, 12:12 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Frisco View Post
If you talk to your wife and answer the questions in Auroraboy's post up there, then the next step is selecting either the right Blackberry (there are many configurations of Blackberries) or some other phone for her.

Is browsing the internet on a hand held device something that she likes to do? Then Storm might be the best choice. ... etc..

Good luck, have fun.
I do agree that she should be consulted, but I'm the "pre shopper" she is not the type to just go in and pick one out unfortunatly. I've got to research some good options first. the Blackjack does not have some of the features that my Motorola Q had (on Verizon), so I'm not sure if it's a good fit for her as it seems even less functional than the Verzon version of the Q.

She would like to sync with her (work) laptop, and we have the ability to install what ever softwear is needed. we are on an ATT plan with unlim SMS amd MMS. trying to get a feel for:
A: is a Blackberry a better choice than the Blackjack
B: if so, then which. cost wise, the Bold is a little higher than we'd like to be at, the Curve or Pearl would be better. and ATT does not offer the Storm.
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