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Old 10-06-2008, 10:10 AM   #8
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Feb 2006
Model: 8330
Carrier: Verizon
Posts: 39

Originally Posted by auart View Post
OK... I set the network to HOME ONLY and guess what.... The battery is lasting much longer today!
The only thing I worry about is that when I drive out of town in some rural areas, where Alltel has an agreement (Uses Verizon Network) and doesnt charge me roaming in those areas. Will this being set to Home Only mean the phone will ONLY connect to Alltel and will not even try any others, even if it is within the extended area of service?
Yup, that's exactly what it means. It won't use the Verizon service. There's kind of three levels of "seeking" that it'll go through:
  1. Home network: phone connects once, then uses a low-power moitoring to make sure the tower is still there.
  2. Roaming: medium power drain as the phone will mostly just listen to the foreign tower, but occasionally go into a high-power seek mode looking for a home tower. Phone in "Home Only" will save the power used listening for calls on foreign towers.
  3. Out of network: phone spends a lot of time in high-power seek looking for any signal. Some of my earlier phones would evenutally quit trying after a couple of hours and just try again every hour or two for a few minutes to save power; I presume the Curve does so as well but haven't caught it doing it since the place that I used to spend time out of range now has carrier coverage.

Still may be worth it to help the battery last longer between charges, maybe while at teh office set to Home Only since the signal is good there and swith to AUTOMATIC while commuting. Any thoughts?
If the office is in a home network anyway, it probably won't help a whole lot. If the office is Verizon, the phone will still do the high-power seek occasionally, but will skip the periods of low-power "listening to foreign tower" stage, and won't sign onto the network (and obviously, won't do whatever background data exchange is normal) If the commute is largely out of any signal, turning the network off during the trip will probably help a lot more.

Last edited by hellsop; 10-06-2008 at 10:45 AM..
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