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Old 09-15-2008, 12:57 AM   #5
New Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Model: 8320
Carrier: Tmobile
Posts: 5

Update: today I had a successful UMA call on another router in someone else's house. However, this doesn't mean much since I don't know if it would always work there.

I can't say I think my upload speed is the problem, since UMA does work perfectly fine when it does work - it either works or it doesn't with nothing in between so far. I would expect lag or distortion if the upload speed was a problem, or for it to never work at all (again, I have not been running any downloads/uploads so nearly all my bandwidth is available to the phone)

Alas, the last firmware update for my router happened in 2006 and I have it. And it is not listed as supported for the open source firmware, but thanks for letting me know about that.

I wonder if I should buy a new router... Unfortunately I don't have a spare lying around to test. Since the one I have works fine otherwise it would suck to buy one for nothing.

The Tmobile support person said that one-way audio was a common problem but I have seen very few reports of my situation on forums...?

Last edited by atomictortoise; 09-15-2008 at 12:58 AM..
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