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Old 08-22-2008, 10:37 AM   #1
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Default Exchange Calendar Synching Issues

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I'm starting this thread in the hopes of having some serious discussions on
improving the reliability of the Calendar synching of BES with Exchange. Anyone of you who manage a BES on exchange have no doubt had your share of issues with this.

Some examples of the issues we've seen:

Updates to existing Calendar entries in Exchange sometimes do not synch to the Berry.
Nothing to prevent this yet, but performing a slow synch (by turning wireless data off and then back on in Calendar options) seems to help.

Corrupted recurring events. When trying to remove these puppies you sometimes wind up with orphaned occurances on the Blackberry. This causes all sorts of issues with the Msg agent.
Wipe the device and reactivate

In both these scenarios there are some things you can do after the fact to address issues once the user brings it to your attention. Ideally though I'd like to have a constructive convertation on how to monitor for these situations, or prevent them from occurring by either adopting a new set of best practices for users or correcting them on exchange before they become an issue.
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