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headtailgrep 07-26-2007 12:26 AM

New IRC program for J2ME -- needs BB testers
For those interested in IRC for the Blackberry -- we can't forget about JMIRC at jmIrc - Java mobile IRC-client (J2ME) which is a great program, and works awesome.

But there is a new project that looks promising, adding long sought after features. Unfortunately, these developers have no access to Blackberries or testers to ensure it works with BB's.

Please test on your blackberry and post in their forums to assist the developer.

WLIrc 2 (Irc client for mobile phones)

Good luck,

Elliot Lonsdale 07-26-2007 02:11 AM

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Been thinking about a new IRC client for Blackberry. I'd like one specifically written for Blackberries. I'm definitely going to give this a try.

Dispatcher35 07-26-2007 08:31 AM

I just checked out their website and happen to catch this in their forum:

At present, the app does not function correctly for Blackberry
devices, specifically, the only device I have tested on:

Blackberr 7290, OS 4.2.x, MIDP 2.0

Upon installation, i can load and run many of the application menus..

if i go into a menu such as "display config" -- toggle "use MOTD" i
get "uncaught exception java.lang.noclassdeffounderror"

Elliot Lonsdale 07-26-2007 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Dispatcher35 (Post 613490)
I just checked out their website and happen to catch this in their forum:

Yeah, I'm almost 100% positive that the OP posted that on their forum, and I followed up on that topic concurring that it also did not work on my 7290.

To further elaborate on my wishes, I'd like to see an irc client kind of specifically catered to the Blackberry. One where when you wanted to input something, you wouldn't be taken to a totally blank screen that says 'Input text'. You could still see the channel, and maybe have a line or two of your text at the bottom of the screen for your input. If I get bored later, I'll make some mockups.

I use IRC a LOT on my Blackberry and jmIrc (using BBirc, which is a fork of it actually) is pretty good, but some little improvements could be made in the way of Blackberry functionality to make it *the* Blackberry IRC client.

What I saw of the new wlirc was pretty good, even though I didn't get to connect to the network, I liked the way the menus were laid out and whatnot. This client has promise, both of them do. I'd just like to see a Blackberry-specific fork/options.

Dezmodium 10-21-2007 01:30 PM

Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8100/4.2.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

Yeh, I'm a new BB owner here and I was surprised at the amount of power and software ability that my new pearl has. Then I was immediately let down at the fact that the only irc program available was the one I had on my Motorola. What's the deal? BB can handle something much nicer than that!

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