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Mark Rejhon 05-18-2005 12:56 PM

The "BlackBerry Abuse" Thread: Amazing BlackBerry Survival Feats Here

Everyone knows that most BlackBerry models are pretty ruggedized units (especially the 62XX and 72XX series).

This morning I accidentally dropped my BlackBerry (yet again) to the hardwood floor. Normally that's not a problem, but it did a fast bounce sidways and then did one bounce between between the walls of the sides of a hallway. It must have sustained 3 nasty impacts in a row. It was working just fine!

My BlackBerry 7280 survived many repeated accidental 3 and 4 feet drops to hardwood, concrete, and accidentally became a hockey puck on my home's hardwood floor. Including a concrete bathroom floor bouncing between the porcelain, concrete, and wall. It still hasn't broken... yet.

Post your Amazing BlackBerry Survival Experiences here in this thread!
(Important Note: The 71XX and 65XX/75XX are relatively fragile units in comparision, so don't bother posting about those models)

dkmadrid 05-18-2005 01:55 PM

Just this weekend getting out of a cab in Chicago my BB7250 hit the pavement and I proceeded to accidentally kick it approximately five feet. A couple of scratches, working like a champ!!

roofus 05-18-2005 02:19 PM

Someone, not me, described how they dropped their berry into a urinal while responding to nature's call. It was quite an amusing story, posted some time ago. Maybe the author will repost . . .

corey@12mile 05-18-2005 02:57 PM

I have a user who's handheld fell out of his shirt pocket into the tub while he was giving his son a bath, he pulled it out and it still works like a champ.

I have purposely dropped/thrown my 7290 over 10 times today onto concrete floors, asphalt and a wooden wall today and thanks to the case I am checking out from Speck Products it doesn't have as much as a single scratch on it. I have also repeatedly banged on the screen protector which is very solid. My case for this was nice and blue yesterday, but today it's pretty brown from being abused. I am going to wash it and see if the dirt/mud/grease comes off at all.


Mark Rejhon 05-18-2005 05:22 PM

I have demonstrated the BlackBerry's ruggedness by doing some intentional 2.5 feet drops to lowpile carpet, but intentional drops to concrete floors?

Gee. You're braver than I am.
(And I skydive! Have done 17 jumps so far, started this year.)

SUFan 05-18-2005 06:09 PM

Dropped my 7100G the other day on a concrete sidewalk. After a couple of bounces I picked it up and realized I had a new e-mail

CrackWheel 05-18-2005 07:51 PM

I can't count the number of times I have done the drop and kick routine. I have 7520...minus the silver trim and logos. They didn't make the falls...but now I have a Darth Vader BB

corey@12mile 05-18-2005 08:54 PM

All my handhelds are free... I have quite the collection... 4 blackberry's and maybe 20-25 cell phones...

I missed out golfing with some Rogers execs today... too much work to do...


penguin3107 05-18-2005 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by corey@12mile
All my handhelds are free... I have quite the collection... 4 blackberry's and maybe 20-25 cell phones...

I missed out golfing with some Rogers execs today... too much work to do...


I think you missed the point of the "Blackberry Abuse Thread".
It didn't mean you should abuse the other users in the forum by boring us with mindless posts.

Mark Rejhon 05-18-2005 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by penguin3107
I think you missed the point of the "Blackberry Abuse Thread".
It didn't mean you should abuse the other users in the forum by boring us with mindless posts.

Actually, he was replying legitimately to my post regarding my question "intentional drops to concrete floors?". Any offtopic reply is explicitly my fault of having asked the question. My fault, not Corey's fault.

(However, corey@12mile, please, no response to this message or penguin3107 either. Next time, please, quote a little bit for context :oops: or people don't notice it was a response to a question. Maybe mail me one of your extra BlackBerry 7290's to me 8-) )

Okay, back onto topic everyone, now. What Amazing BlackBerry Abuse Feats exist?

jscully 05-18-2005 09:21 PM

6750 dropped into a chute and stepped on/kicked by a calf at a rodeo. Survived.
2 weeks later, wrecked the thumbwheel by leaving on hip and wearing seatbelt (and dancing to Shaggy)...

Workingmen 05-18-2005 09:26 PM

These things are tough! Eighteen months ago and only two days after I got this Blackberry, it slipped out of my pocket while I had both hands full carrying a box into the rafters above my garage

- Nine feet seven inches (physically measured) onto bare concrete -

The battery cover popped off, the battery came out and the BB bounced under the car. I picked it up put the battery back into place and it restarted but the wireless would not come on. Took the battery out and reinserted. Everything came right back on!! Only remaining damage was a small scuff mark on one corner.

This was a bare BlackBerry 7230 with no case or sleeve for protection. It is still working today.

Mark Rejhon 05-18-2005 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Workingmen
Nine feet seven inches (physically measured) onto bare concrete -

Wow! That's impressive for BlackBerry survival.

Clearly, the rounded design of the BlackBerry, helps to deflect a lot of the harmful vertical energy into less harmful horizontal energy, forcing the BlackBerry to slide sideways instead of crunching. The fact that the case is made out of plastic helps, and there's also a rubber shock absorber underneath the edges of the glass screen.

I dare a TREO or Hiptop to survive THAT 9 foot drop to concrete!

coreyg510 05-19-2005 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by Mark Rejhon
Wow! That's impressive for BlackBerry survival.

Clearly, the rounded design of the BlackBerry, helps to deflect a lot of the harmful vertical energy into less harmful horizontal energy, forcing the BlackBerry to slide sideways instead of crunching. The fact that the case is made out of plastic helps, and there's also a rubber shock absorber underneath the edges of the glass screen.

I dare a TREO or Hiptop to survive THAT 9 foot drop to concrete!

Couldnt do it. My friend was sitting in a normal patio chair at lunch, dropped his Treo and it started making wierd noises. I think it was growling at him

Workingmen 05-19-2005 09:50 AM

I didn't think the BB would either! Spent several minutes thinking how I could convince my wife I needed another new BlackBerry in only two days. The rounded corner was the scuffed mark so that deflected as you suggested Mark and I think the popping off of the battery and cover absorbed some energy also. Not worth trying again to confirm!!

bfrye 05-19-2005 09:55 AM

I constantly find my dogs chewing on it. Aside from my first one which they busted the screen on, all are still working fine.

But... a note of the first one, older 6230. I gave it to them almost a year ago as a chewtoy and they've yet to crack the case or pull any keys or other crap off it. It looks chewed, but no parts are missing yet. Not bad really.

coreyg510 05-19-2005 09:58 AM

Lucky dogs, I wish I had extra BB's to chew on

bfrye 05-19-2005 10:00 AM

Oh and I accidentally ran over another one of mine in the jeep, no problems with it yet.

siliconvalley785 05-19-2005 09:11 PM

Just dropped my BB 7280 from holster to asphalt ground, probably about 4 feet drop. Minor damage to bottom right corner, not happy about it though. See, the BB caught my shirt when I was putting it in its holster, and when readjusting it, it fell.


morninglight9 05-19-2005 09:40 PM

I was taking my girlfriend for a picnic and my buddy and I were scouting out this river on this obscure hiking trail. There was a waterfall but there were a lot of rocks and I gamely tried to hop across the river on the rocks.

I never once thought to take off my Blackberry holster and as I hopped, the thing fell out, hopped on a rock, bounced up in the air, and landed on the rock with the top right corner dipped in the river flow. It almost went in, but I snatched it before it fell. It has a dinged corner but to my shock, no problems other than a scuff.

I did remember to take it off when I forded the river on the actual picnic itself.

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