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hilz 09-22-2004 07:30 PM

7230 creaking sound from keys
Does anyone have this problem?
What can I do?
It sounds terrible-

Thanks in advance

Tom 09-22-2004 08:25 PM

Spray it with WD-40!!


hmm, it sounds like its dirty in there, get some air in a can sort of sprayer, and spray it..

d123456 09-23-2004 12:32 AM

i have been having the same problem, im not sure if it is because of dirt because i have this from pretty much day one.

i have heard of others having this problem and were able to get it replaced through warranty.

anyone have any ideas?


finch 09-23-2004 07:59 AM

My wifes BB had the same problem 6 mo's in and I had it replaced under warranty. If yours is that new I would demand a new unit in hope of saving yourself any issues down the road.

bfrye 09-23-2004 09:47 AM

I have the same problem. I noticed it's better in the mornings when it's cold out, and worse when I put it on my hip and it warms up...

otto 09-23-2004 10:33 AM

i have a 6710 with the same issues.. i pretty much just write it off to the fact that they are hard plastic keys and usually some pressure through flexibility added to it would simply make it sound different given different temperatures. go figure...

Skive 09-23-2004 01:26 PM

One of the usual reason for this problem showing up after a while is that something sticky has got spilled on the keyboard, it might be worth opening it up and wiping the inside of the case and the keyboard itself.

Gothalyptic 09-23-2004 01:32 PM

Mine doesn't "creak" per se, it clicks with each key press. So I'm not sure, I tried compressed air, didn't work. Not sure if clicking is normal either. I don't recall co-workers bb's doing that

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