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nobody7290 10-24-2014 07:05 AM

Remove Amazon store permissions / remove amazon App completely?
When you launch the Amazon Store App, it asks for access to files and location. I first tried to deny, but then the program wont launch.
I agreed to files and location permissions first and later tried to remove the location permissions using the application permissions control panel. I open the control-panel, and indeed the Amazon app is listed. However you cannot change the permissions, the slider is grayed out.
I dont need amazon (or any programm which wants to know my location for no apparent reason), so I thought I remove the program completely from the device. But it seems that Blackberry has locked the program into the OS.

I will do a wipe of the passport and then put the program in some folder on the very last page of the screens as a workaround but better would be an option to remove the program. Anyone knows if there is a way to do this ?

nobody7290 10-24-2014 03:31 PM

Re: Remove Amazon store permissions / remove amazon App completely?
I make some progress in the passport world:
I found a note at Crackberry: There is an android programm called "ghost commander" which is able to delete the amazon store.

Edit: it is removed only up to the next restart.

tsac 10-24-2014 06:19 PM

Re: Remove Amazon store permissions / remove amazon App completely?
The Amazon app is included in the basic load. A wipe wont do anything. If you don't need it just move it to a folder for Apps you don't want.
The app was included by Blackberry as a basic method to get added Android apps

nobody7290 10-24-2014 07:27 PM

Re: Remove Amazon store permissions / remove amazon App completely?
Yes, i see that.
But, a wipe makes a difference: The programm wont be launched in the background at boot time of the passport.

However, if you once agree to the applications wish to access your location an files, it will run in the background. Even if you terminate it with the task manager it will be relaunched automatically again.
If you delete (?) The app with "ghost commander" it wont launch when the blackberry is started. If you click on it, the dialog asking for location and files permission is displayed again.

So, that ghost commander "deletetion" does the same as a wipe of the passport.
Posted via Mobile

tsac 10-24-2014 07:49 PM

Re: Remove Amazon store permissions / remove amazon App completely?
I think it's an effort by Blackberry to get Apps onto the phone. Apps have slid on the OS10 devices and Android seems to be the best method of getting them.
Not many developers working on Blackberry specific apps.
Like I suggested, move it to a folder and leave it alone. I have one called junk and put some there.

nobody7290 10-25-2014 03:15 AM

Re: Remove Amazon store permissions / remove amazon App completely?
I already did this at the beginning.

Contrary to what i read, and what the OS tells, Blackberry still cant control the Application permissions of Android Software after the initial launch. All other Android apps I installed show the same behaviour: Permissons changes are greyed out. Only native Blackberry apps permit changes.

Many other things work nice BTW.
Posted via Mobile

tsac 10-25-2014 01:55 PM

Re: Remove Amazon store permissions / remove amazon App completely?
Amazon and others are trying to find out users locations to send various offers to them related to the retail store or a food place.
The only issue is the amount of junk data and required GPS use can drive up users data fees. If you noticed most carriers do not offer unlimited data anymore

joginder 10-27-2014 10:47 AM

Re: Remove Amazon store permissions / remove amazon App completely?
I believe that user's location is central to almost all apps now apps now a day. I wanted to tell Whatsapp that i only use it to chat to 2 people and still it needed all 457 contacts from my BB and plus it will tell them all about me and my contacts... Had to delete it before it became Facebook and could not use it in any better way.

It will be nice for BB to tell an app that the app can not access BB's contacts (global) unless you allow it. otherwise all office and personal emails are on the social network all of sudden. still waiting for a Passport but some day or soon i will get

tsac 10-29-2014 07:20 PM

Re: Remove Amazon store permissions / remove amazon App completely?
Blackberry Management is lost and clueless. Sad

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