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TBOLTRAM 06-22-2013 01:06 PM

Poor Paula Deen
What is your take on this media crap? Is this a vendetta or some PR stunt?

I lean to the PR stunt view.

NJBlackBerry 06-22-2013 03:15 PM

Re: Poor Paula Deen
Her act was getting old.
She got caught - in the old days it wouldn't have mattered.
Convenient excuse. Political correctness.

TBOLTRAM 06-22-2013 05:27 PM

Re: Poor Paula Deen
Wife told me that she is being accused of selling porn. Not sure what kind or how. It is difficult for me picturing her in a training film.:shock::oops::-(

rambo47 06-23-2013 08:15 AM

Re: Poor Paula Deen
I thought we were just talking about her racial slur and lame attempt to back-peddle.

NJBlackBerry 06-23-2013 08:19 AM

Re: Poor Paula Deen

mriff 06-23-2013 09:19 AM

Re: Poor Paula Deen

Originally Posted by TBOLTRAM (Post 1804956)
Wife told me that she is being accused of selling porn. Not sure what kind or how. It is difficult for me picturing her in a training film.:shock::oops::-(

Food porn. All that fat, butter, and calory-laden food. :razz:

NJBlackBerry 06-23-2013 10:22 AM

Re: Poor Paula Deen
While being a diabetic and knowing about it.
She deserved to get canned then. This was a convenient reason.

TBOLTRAM 06-23-2013 10:46 AM

Re: Poor Paula Deen
Maybe Wiener and Deen should be on the same ticket in next election. :razz:

rambo47 06-23-2013 11:07 AM

Re: Poor Paula Deen

Originally Posted by TBOLTRAM (Post 1804985)
Maybe Wiener and Deen should be on the same ticket in next election. :razz:

Ooooh, that has comedic potential! At the very least it would keep the tabloids busy for a while and we could ignore the Kardashians. (y)

bostonnerd 06-23-2013 12:08 PM

Re: Poor Paula Deen
The woman is a 66 year old white southern woman who, unfortunately acted like a 66 year old southern white woman (pardon the generality). Understandable given the era she grew up in but hardly excusable. I'm a little younger but I vividly remember the bombings of Black churches, the dogs, the marches, and the fire hoses. To me, thats what that word conjures up and it wasn't a shining moment in our history.

Many decades ago, when I was around 8 years old I was repeating a childs rhyme that included that word in front of my parents. I had no clue what it meant, just repeating the rhyme. My parents quickly (and loudly) informed me what it meant and told me in no uncertain terms I was never to use it ever again. I was shocked that someone would use it to reference a group of people - stuck with me to this day.

TBOLTRAM 06-23-2013 05:09 PM

Re: Poor Paula Deen
I was talking about this today with some friends and they reminded me of one of Richard Pryers records that used the word in the album title and as part of one of his dialogs. I guess goose-gander does not apply here.

ZombieBerry 06-28-2013 08:05 AM

Re: Poor Paula Deen

Originally Posted by TBOLTRAM (Post 1805000)
I was talking about this today with some friends and they reminded me of one of Richard Pryers records that used the word in the album title and as part of one of his dialogs. I guess goose-gander does not apply here.

Only if Paula Deen was a Black man when she said it, otherwise, why would goose/gander rule apply here? afaik, only white person who can get away with using that word is LouisCK.

daphne 06-29-2013 05:11 PM

Re: Poor Paula Deen
I grew up in the southeastern part of this country and when I was a kid, everyone used the n word. It was short for Negro, which was not a derogatory word.

Dubdub 06-29-2013 10:40 PM

Re: Poor Paula Deen
So why do the rappers get away with using it? Why do the movie elite get away with racial and gay slurs?

There is definitely a double standard in the US of A.

NJBlackBerry 06-30-2013 07:08 AM

Re: Poor Paula Deen
Of course there is a double standard.
When Paramount Pictures wanted to release Animal House they insisted that Richard Pryor give the OK first.

Keep Moving. Double standards are everywhere. Just don't say or do anything and you will be OK :(

kathrynhr 06-30-2013 08:30 AM

Re: Poor Paula Deen

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1805277)
Just don't say or do anything and you will be OK :(

LOL. Yes.

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