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juwaack68 09-06-2011 12:11 PM

9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive
I'd had this happen a couple of times on my 9850 (both work and personal devices) where I will be charging it and when I unplug it, the touchscreen is completely unresponsive. Even if I wait for a bit to see if maybe it's 'just slow', it still won't respond. Only fix is to do a battery pull.

Has only happened a few times, but annoying... anyone else experience this?

djdonnyk 09-07-2011 04:53 PM

Re: 9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive
I haven't, but sometimes mine won't wake up by hitting a key or touching screen. Usually if I push the power button it will wake up.

JSanders 09-08-2011 10:45 AM

Re: 9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive
Just got mine in this AM... on Verizon.
I'll let you know if anything like this happens.

RCA 09-09-2011 11:29 PM

Re: 9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive
I have had the 9850 for almost a week and so far I have had no problems with it. I do unplug it in the same fashion, so far so good.

PJD642 09-10-2011 11:32 AM

Re: 9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive

Originally Posted by juwaack68 (Post 1742522)
I'd had this happen a couple of times on my 9850 (both work and personal devices) where I will be charging it and when I unplug it, the touchscreen is completely unresponsive. Even if I wait for a bit to see if maybe it's 'just slow', it still won't respond. Only fix is to do a battery pull.

Curious what OS you're running.... I immediately upgraded my VZW 9850 to .353, and have had ZERO issues (If you don't count the phone not going into bedside mode on the cradle because I'd ignored the whole "smart accessory" thing. Totally my fault, though. Once someone pointed out I should RTFM and set the cradle's profile, things are peachy again.)

ARCANGEL63 09-11-2011 12:54 AM

Re: 9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive
"I immediately upgraded my VZW 9850 to .353"

isn't that for the 9860, a gsm model??? are cdma & gsm os's compatible??? if so, what fixes/upgrades/advantages are in .353 vs. .261???

ARCANGEL63 09-11-2011 03:04 PM

Re: 9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive
found .353 for 9850 online,,, loading now,,, off topic i know...

PJD642 09-12-2011 07:01 AM

Re: 9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive

Originally Posted by ARCANGEL63 (Post 1743592)
"I immediately upgraded my VZW 9850 to .353"

isn't that for the 9860, a gsm model??? are cdma & gsm os's compatible??? if so, what fixes/upgrades/advantages are in .353 vs. .261???

Yep, .353 is out there for both 9850 & 9860 - you found it I see. Some people were having issues getting email & browser to work with the issued VZW OS. Not entirely sure what fixes .353 contains, but I've encountered none of the problems others have reported with .261. Battery life for me is fine too, even with Twitter & FB set to update every hour. Moderate calling & BBM, a LOT of surfing thanks to the bigger screen & wonderful browser.

juwaack68 09-12-2011 07:11 AM

Re: 9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive

Originally Posted by PJD642 (Post 1743492)
Curious what OS you're running.... I immediately upgraded my VZW 9850 to .353, and have had ZERO issues (If you don't count the phone not going into bedside mode on the cradle because I'd ignored the whole "smart accessory" thing. Totally my fault, though. Once someone pointed out I should RTFM and set the cradle's profile, things are peachy again.)

I have what came with the device -

Had another very strange 'issue' over the weekend. I have a password set on my device and it locks every 20 minutes. I had it plugged in to charge over night and in the morning the device was not locked. It was next to me in a closed room all night, and I know nobody else touched it. First time that's ever happened.

jhnptrlimo 09-13-2011 08:36 AM

Re: 9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive
Is this for the Verizon 9850?? "Latest OS: 9860 (Asia + Engliish)"??????

rambo47 09-13-2011 09:32 AM

Re: 9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive
You can use any carrier's OS for your Verizon BlackBerry as long as it's for your specific model. Just remember to delete the vendor.xml file as per the instructions in the BBFAQ:
How do I upgrade the OS on my BlackBerry? - BlackBerryFAQ

jhnptrlimo 09-13-2011 12:41 PM

Re: 9850 issue - touchscreen becomes unresponsive that....was just confused if it was ok being it says 9860 as opposed to 9850. Thanks!!!


Originally Posted by rambo47 (Post 1744052)
You can use any carrier's OS for your Verizon BlackBerry as long as it's for your specific model. Just remember to delete the vendor.xml file as per the instructions in the BBFAQ:
How do I upgrade the OS on my BlackBerry? - BlackBerryFAQ

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