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mr_gjh 11-12-2010 02:24 PM

8330 syncing issues with Outlook through virtual Windows on VMWare Fusion
I have a MacBook Pro (from work) with VMWare Fusion installed for the PC side. (Windows XP, Office 2007) Recently moved to this from an old Dell laptop.

Initially, after configuring BB Desktop messenger on the PC side, everything was syncing fine. Suddenly, I'm unable to sync calendar. I hit a record - a different one each time - that seems to freeze the sync and render BB Desktop software unresponsive, prompting a forced quit.

Tried troubleshooting with Blackberry Support, who after over 3 hours, blamed the problem on VMWare. I AM able to still sync it with the old Dell (which I've not returned yet, fortunately). However, this isn't a good solution.

Has anyone else had a similar problem? And if so, have you found a fix?


Dubdub 11-12-2010 02:56 PM

Re: 8330 syncing issues with Outlook through virtual Windows on VMWare Fusion
Moved to the Mac section.

Did you try using Desktop Manager for Mac rather than going through the Windows instance? I have heard of problems with VMWare. Check out the Mac section where this is now located.

mr_gjh 11-12-2010 03:16 PM

Re: 8330 syncing issues with Outlook through virtual Windows on VMWare Fusion

Originally Posted by Dubdub (Post 1673765)
Moved tot he Mac section.

Did you try using Desktop Manager for Mac rather than going through the Windows instance? I have heard of problems with VMWare. Check out the Mac section where this is now located.

Thanks for the reply.

I do have the Mac software. And did look at the sync documentation on the Mac forum here. The problem is that all of the data is on the Windows side - not running any Office programs on the Mac side. If there were an easy way to sync the Outlook data with ICal, I gather I could then sync the BB on the Mac side. But at the moment, not sure how doing it on the Mac side would work, as the Mac and PC versions of Desktop Software use different data file types.

Any thoughts would be helpful.

Dubdub 11-12-2010 04:05 PM

Re: 8330 syncing issues with Outlook through virtual Windows on VMWare Fusion
Are you using Office on the Mac?

You could always sync the Windows side, the Mac side and the BB to Google Calendar and Contacts using Google Sync. Once done and everything is there, you could abandon the Windows side.

mr_gjh 11-12-2010 08:25 PM

Re: 8330 syncing issues with Outlook through virtual Windows on VMWare Fusion
I only have Office software for PC. But the Google sync is a possibility. I hadn't looked into that before and will investigate. Thanks.

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