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Eugenius0815 11-10-2010 09:26 AM

8310 plus Data Plan, but no EDGE
Hi folks,

I have a very huge problem with my 8310: I cannot get an EDGE connection.
My BB only shows "edge". (so no mails a.s.o. are working)
Yes, I do have a Data Plan. And now the mysterius: My BB is recognized within BIS (with its PIN).
Help from the support (O2 Germany) failed, they also donīt know where the failure is.
I also tried to upgrade and also to downgrade the firmware: all with the same outcome - nothing changed. Also no outcome with sending all the service books from the BIS to my 8310.
(Besides that: I tried to connect with another BB, but this one worked - so my SIM works fine.)
So I assume that my 8310 is somehow damaged?

Does anyone have an idea?

Thx in advance for your help!

NJBlackBerry 11-10-2010 09:45 AM

Have your carrier double check that you have the correct BlackBerry Data Plan on the account. That is the cause of most of the lower case edge issues. It must be a specific BlackBerry Data Plan.

Eugenius0815 11-10-2010 09:49 AM

Yes, he did. I also did - thereīs the right Data Plan.
The other BB (which works fine) can do all the things a BB should do (with the same account, after re-registering this as a new phone, etc.)
But this specific 8310 doesnīt work...

ricvantri 11-21-2010 08:07 AM

Re: 8310 plus Data Plan, but no EDGE
Hi. Maybe you could solve the problem already but if you don't I have an idea and it is getting into the BB e-screen (for newers it could mean a lot of work). I can see there in the "Mobile Network Engineering Screens" > PLMN Selection > CLICK > Disable BBNS and maybe it is DISABLE. I just tried to do on mine and when i disable it it won't get EDGE.It doesn't have maybe too much sense because could how it get DISABLE?, but who knows !!

The other you can try is changing the sim.Some times it happens with an old one but first clean the sim holder's contacts and try again.

Please if you can solve the problem let us know.You can write me also.

Good Luck !!!

Eugenius0815 11-21-2010 09:21 AM

Re: 8310 plus Data Plan, but no EDGE

Well, still couldnīt resolve this problem.
Btw. I also tried it with a new sim - no change, still this issue.

Just to be curious, how can I get into the BB e-screen?

Thanky for your reply.

tsac 11-21-2010 10:44 AM

Re: 8310 plus Data Plan, but no EDGE
Did you ask the carrier if you had a Blackberry specific data plan? You may find it is just a standard cell phone data plan and that will not allow the BB to receive email etc.
The new SIM you tried, did it come from a BB with a BB data plan? if not your test would not show anything.
Unless the BB has radio issues I would call the carrier and talk to someone above the initial help dest, maybe a second tier support person.

You can also as a last resort try to do an OS upgrade on the BB.

Eugenius0815 11-21-2010 10:54 AM

Re: 8310 plus Data Plan, but no EDGE
O.k., I tried it with e-screen and it didnīt work out...

Yes, I have a BB specific data-plan (and so is also the sim). As I wrote in the past, everything works well with another BB-device.

Interestingly some e-screen sections there is shown "EDGE"....but not in the "main screen".

I also tried it with the help desk - they donīt have an idea...
As I said, the device is recognized within BIS...

tsac 11-21-2010 10:56 AM

Re: 8310 plus Data Plan, but no EDGE
at this point I would try a OS replacement or upgrade.

Eugenius0815 11-21-2010 11:00 AM

Re: 8310 plus Data Plan, but no EDGE
Yupp, tried it also. upgrades and downgrades - all without any success.

It might be that my device has a hardware issue...

tsac 11-21-2010 11:07 AM

Re: 8310 plus Data Plan, but no EDGE

Originally Posted by Eugenius0815 (Post 1676262)
Yupp, tried it also. upgrades and downgrades - all without any success.

It might be that my device has a hardware issue...

Unfortunately at this point I agree with your final assessment.

aiharkness 11-21-2010 12:02 PM

Re: 8310 plus Data Plan, but no EDGE
I've had a BlackBerry on which the radio went out completely. No connection to the mobile network, period.

What makes me wonder is that you can conect to the carrier's network -- unless there's something I'm missing -- but just cannot connect to RIM's network.

From the first post I understand the PIN is good, so that doesn't seem to be the issue.

The fact that another BlackBerry works with the same SIM that doesn't work with the first BlackBerry seems to indicate the mobile service works and the account setup is ok.

Still I wouldn't assume at this point that there's a hardware fault, not just yet, not if it were me. But I admit I don't know what else to try. There's probably something I don't understand as to why the radio appears to be working but yet you cannot get EDGE when nothing appears to be wrong with the service or your account. Short of an explanation for that fact I wouldn't throw in the towel yet.
Posted via Mobile

Eugenius0815 11-22-2010 03:18 AM

Re: 8310 plus Data Plan, but no EDGE
Yes, itīs also a miracle to me.
In BIS I can see the PIN and model of this device. When I try to send the service books to it it doesnīt complain.
And my device only shows "edge" in small letters.
But, and thatīs interesting: within e-screen it seems to be ok, it tells me that he has a connection...
Very strange.
And also the help-desk (also the guys from RIM on their official forum) donīt know how to solve this issue.

ricvantri 11-22-2010 11:21 AM

Re: 8310 plus Data Plan, but no EDGE

Originally Posted by Eugenius0815 (Post 1676474)
Yes, itīs also a miracle to me.
In BIS I can see the PIN and model of this device. When I try to send the service books to it it doesnīt complain.
And my device only shows "edge" in small letters.
But, and thatīs interesting: within e-screen it seems to be ok, it tells me that he has a connection...
Very strange.
And also the help-desk (also the guys from RIM on their official forum) donīt know how to solve this issue.

Well pal what can I tell you I think that it seems to be a hardware problem. Sorry about that but once I had the same issue on a 8320 an I did everything I could and finally I change it for other BB selling that one without EDGE.I think that maybe it happened something between the power transmision and the anntena (in this ocasion I changed this last too) but who can really fix it? because one thing is who tells I will do it and another thing is who really has the skills and knowledge to fix it :-(

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