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plainman007 07-15-2010 02:31 PM

How to sync everything except my contacts

Since i got my BB 8310. I havent been able to migrate my palm contacts data into outlook. All other sections have merged correctly and are upto date on my BB. But contacts are all awry. With mismatches in the fields ordering etc.Work numbers are in home and mobiles have come into the work fields etc. Its utter chaos as far as contacts are concerned.

Now i want to sync my BB back to a fresh copy of outlook that ive installed. How do i do a sync where all my BB data comes into outlook. EXCEPT contacts. I dont want contacts to be synced. Because im going to be manually updating outlook contacts by typing in all the data in the correct fields. This is going to take sometime as i have 2000 contacts.

Till then i want to keep syncing and using the other sections such as calender etc. Once i get all my contacts typed into outlook. I want to sync including contacts so that ill once and for all have my data correctly set up.


aiharkness 07-15-2010 04:36 PM

Wirelessly posted

Go into the sync settings in desktop manager for contacts, and set it not to sync. Or, given what you are planning, change contacts from two-way sync to one-way sync computer -> blackberry only.

plainman007 07-16-2010 12:00 AM

Thanks i will try that right away and let you know how it went.

plainman007 07-16-2010 11:07 AM

Outlook express continuously gives an error saying "msgstore failed open".

aiharkness 07-16-2010 12:21 PM

Wirelessly posted

Outlook Express? Your earlier posts said Outlook. They are different. Not sure it should make a difference for this case though, except I think Outlook Express does not have a calendar.
I'd do a search on that error, particularly in the context of Outlook Express. Sounds like that is where the problem is occuring, and not with desktop manager.

mIQ Live 07-20-2010 03:58 PM

You can do this in the MIQ Live Free application.

You just need to download the MIQ app which backs up and syncs your data to a secure online account. (you can choose to do just contacts or everything!) Once you have downloaded the app, you can sign in online and import your outlook contacts to your account. Anything you put on your account will automatically push to your phone.

Hope that helps. Good luck!

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