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dizzle247 05-17-2010 02:33 PM

Cutting the fat .. I cut a little too much, oops.
Just got a new 9630, and i've been an avid berry user for the past 5 years. I had the curve for over 3 years and I remember that you can go into the java folder and delete/add programs (.cod files) that you did or didn't want.

I cut all the excess fat that I didn't want from my 9630's OS like I had done with my 8330 and went to go load the OS onto my berry. Everything went smoothly til I realized i cut a little too much off and now I can't access the options category on my berry, and my DM doesn't want to connect to my berry. It recognizes that it's there but It won't connect.

I know that I used to be able to use JL_cmdr to reset my device .. i tried that, and it reset it alright, but it didn't reload 5.0 like i wanted.

any help?

fratts 05-18-2010 07:54 AM

Try wiping it with JL until you get a 507 error, you may have to repeat the process a few times, then try reloading the OS

TTsoldier 05-18-2010 08:12 AM

What files did you remove???

I cut excess fat from my 9700 and start up with 140mb + free app memory :smile:

What do you mean by "It did not reload 5.0 like i wanted" ?

JSanders 05-18-2010 09:05 AM

Just reinstall the OS to your PC and start over, and watch what cod files you remove. Place the removed cod files in a "removed" folder, rather than deleting them, and you can move them back on the fly and just run loader.exe again to reload the ones you want.

dizzle247 05-18-2010 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by JSanders (Post 1607997)
Just reinstall the OS to your PC and start over, and watch what cod files you remove. Place the removed cod files in a "removed" folder, rather than deleting them, and you can move them back on the fly and just run loader.exe again to reload the ones you want.

i KNEW i was doing something wrong when i hit the delete button. I haven't deleted cod files since I got my first 8300 back in 2008.

I ran JL_cmdr like 5 times and just didn't fiddle with it for an hour and it finally reloaded the software onto my tour.

I have over 150mb free on my blackberry right now .. I'm trying to cut more crap from it.

thanks for the info everybody.

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