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billfrancisco1 04-17-2010 08:14 AM

battery won't take charge runs down quickly
I got a new bb 8830 from ebay. When I got it I plugged it in and fully charged the battery. The battery quickly discharged in about 4 hours. When I plugged it into the wall charger it would not recharge. i got a flashing screen with a picture of a battery with a thunderbolt in it. I left it on the charger all night and it still didn't do anything. In the morning I went to a local phone repair place, the guy informed it was to low to take a charge and he "jumped" It for me. That was enough to get it start so it would take a charge. A few hours later it went dead again. Thinking the batter was iffy I bought a new battery. I charged the new battery and all was fine. The new battery only lasted about 6 hours and went completely dead. I put the new battery on the charger and again was not able to get it to take a charge. I went back to the same nice man who had given me a jump the prior day (for free I might add) he jumped the new battery. I went home and let it fully charge. When it had gotten to the top of the indicator light about 3 hours later I went on my merry way. It quickly discharged again and fearing i would not be able to get it going again without another jump I had to take it out of the BB until I could get it to where i could charge it. So two questions. 1. why is it discharging so quickly. 2. Why does it get so low it won't take a charge?

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