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rjb767 02-20-2010 07:42 PM

No Mobile Service after leaving WIFI / UMA area

I've had a Blackberry Bold 9700 on Orange for about a month now (my first BB) and I've encountered a couple of minor problems.

Most of the time I'm at home and the phone connects via UMA using my home wifi. This is great because the mobile signal isn't good. When I leave home the phone switches to the mobile network, but I have now found on a number of occasions that it says 'no service' even though I know there is a good mobile signal in the area. When this happens the mobile signal will not work until I pull the battery and reboot the phone which rectifies it straight away. It's a real nuisance having to check if the mobile service is working every time I leave the house and having to keep rebooting the phone.

I am also concerned because the phone sometimes reboots on its own for no apparrent reason.

I called orange about this and was told that both issues are completely normal with Blackberry phones. I'm now wondering if this is correct or if I've been fobbed off. I'd appreciate any advice on this.


aiharkness 02-21-2010 09:42 AM

Wirelessly posted

1 - It is not normal, for blackberry at least.
2 - When you leave wifi and have not service on the mobile network, is mobile network shown as on in manage connections, or is it off? If you cycle it off and then on, what happens? What do you see for mobile network in services status?

My first thought is aftermarket software or themes? Did you install anything new right before you noticed this problem?

rjb767 02-21-2010 02:01 PM

Thank you for your reply.

When this happens I have checked in Manage Connections and mobile network is shown as 'on'. I have tried switching off then on again and it doesn't solve the problem. The mobile network status displayed is 'Orange', 'No Service' and the signal strength is shown as '0'. If I pull the battery and reboot the phone it solves the problem straight away, but it's not really practical to keep checking the phone and rebooting it all the time.

As this has been happening since I got the phone and before I loaded any additional software I don't think it can be this.

Does this sound like a fault with the phone itself?

aiharkness 02-21-2010 02:23 PM

Wirelessly posted

I don't know. See what others say.

If it were me and it is still under warranty, I'd ask for an exchange. If you can't do that, you could try wiping and reinstalling the OS. That would solve solve you problem if the problem is you and not the carrier, and if it is a software problem.

penguin3107 02-21-2010 02:54 PM

aiharkness 02-21-2010 08:11 PM

Wirelessly posted

rjb, the odds are it's probably not a problem with the device. The problem with mobile network could be unrelated to the rebooting, and probably is. On second thought, my advice for what it's worth is call your carrier again and don't let them put you off. It could be the carrier or some glitch with your account. Don't give up until you get straight answers or some useful troubleshooting instructions. Good luck.

rjb767 02-21-2010 08:23 PM

Thank you for your replies. Seems like very good advice so I'll follow this and hopefully find a solution. Thanks again for your help.

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