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neogodless 07-11-2009 03:26 PM

AIM starting with OS reboot, AIM sounds not saved to Profile on reboot
Anytime I do a hard reboot (QuickPull or physical battery pull, or the Blackberry shuts off due to battery exhaustion or random shut off), when it boots, AIM is started automatically.

Whenever I reboot, the setting in my "Normal" Profile to not use sound for AIM New Messages is reset to use the default sound.

The combination of these two means that hard reboots usually result in people sending me an IM, and my phone making the IM noise... when I'm not expecting it!

This was an issue with and continues with (installed by package

BUC 07-11-2009 09:09 PM

I think those problems may be related to AIM applications instead of the OS version... I do not have AIM so I cant assure you, but other than that .278 and .180 are the best updates I have tried, .278 being faster and having some more advantages...

Another thing is that you should not leave the battery to run dry continuously... do it once in a while...

neogodless 07-15-2009 10:15 AM

The battery running out is rare, but just one of the many reasons the phone gets a hard reboot from time to time. So far with .278, I have not had the phone randomly shut off and require a hard pull. I did, however, have to pull the battery to get caller ID working on the external screen. Anyway, I'll see if AIM has any updates. But the AIM settings and Profile settings are part of the phone, not part of AIM options/settings.

BUC 07-15-2009 11:49 AM

Oh ok.. well try to check if that was fixed.. otherwise change permissions on AIM app... dont know if that would help but its worth to check it out

neogodless 07-15-2009 02:09 PM

Thanks, I did find a minor version update of AIM and installed it, but upon reboot, the Profile setting was still reset. For now, I uncheck Auto Sign In which at least takes care of that end of things. (Maybe that setting implies Auto Start with the OS but it isn't clear. It would be nice if AOL would separate that setting from Auto Sign In though.)

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