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o0roman0o 02-12-2009 01:00 PM

Pre-Release Bold Firmware Help
I received a BB Bold from my friend that was a pre-release version, obviously unbranded.

In trying to upgrade the firmware I deleted the original software and tried to upgrade to a newly release firmware.

In doing that I realized that the pre-release bold and the production bold have different hardware where the firmware is written to and therefor incompatible.

I am in need of finding the lastest, or any in this case, pre-release bold firmware.

if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.

JSanders 02-12-2009 01:19 PM

The only OS downloads here are those officially released by the carriers.

You can find the latest OS in the Sticky Thread at the top of this 9000 section. At the BOTTOM of the FIRST post is a link to the one before, and the one before, so you can click back to what you can find ...

Do you even know what OS release version you are looking for?

o0roman0o 02-12-2009 01:34 PM

Thank you for the reply

"The only OS downloads here are those officially released by the carriers."
Since the Bold I have was pre-released it did not have carrier branded firmware

"Do you even know what OS release version you are looking for?"
I'm looking for a pre-release (not beta versions) firmware from the original test units

JSanders 02-12-2009 01:38 PM

If those are your requirements, then, quite honestly, you are looking in the wrong place.

On the other hand, the only thing you need to do to remove the branding from the OS is to remove the vendor.xml file. Most all beta OSs have blank vendor files, and in your case you might find an OS that will work on the device you have.

In an attempt to help you, what OS versions have you attempted to load on your pre-release Bold? And by what process?

o0roman0o 02-12-2009 03:40 PM

Im looking for firmware someone might have backed up when they had a test unit as the test units only accept certain pre-production firmware.

I have tried everything from r4.6.0_rel385_PL4.0.0.191

to ther 4.6.0_rel199_PL4.0.0.117

I think the pre-releases were v4.5

anyone with pre-release firmware would be a lot of help to me

o0roman0o 02-12-2009 04:26 PM

Ive also heard that and earlier are the pre-release firmware

rambo47 02-12-2009 04:50 PM

There are no repositories for this pre-release firmware other than at RIM because the pre-release units were never supposed to be used by the general public. The firmware was never released to the public. I'm surprised RIM hasn't shut off your PIN yet.

jsconyers 02-12-2009 04:52 PM

Maybe it has and the OP is thinking by reinstalling the OS it will "fix" the issue?

JSanders 02-12-2009 04:56 PM

I still feel that the OP would simply state the process s/he is using to load the OS, we might help. But they have not.

If however the OP is fully knowledgeable on what is required by pre-release devices, s/he must be high enough up in the system to get that OS should they want.

Otherwise, were it me, I would troubleshoot the dickens out of the process and try many options. Just my opinion.

dwella 02-12-2009 05:02 PM

I would also think the OP would be wise enough to back up that pre-release system if the OP was close enough to some one to receive such a pre-production unit. Also this friend might be able to get the firmware from Rim. Or sumtum else goin on here....


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