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Gothalyptic 08-27-2004 07:47 PM

I'm looking for a schedule type program. What I need is, when I come into the store and clock on for work, I can do the same on the Blackberry, when I clock off for work, I can do the same on the BB. I'm hoping something out there will allow me to do this with a price of $0 preferably. It will beat using a calculator and posting in memo's and filling that up. Thanks in advance.

kirson 08-28-2004 12:35 AM

It's late...I'm sleepy...maybe I'm not too bright in the first place...but I am extremely confused by your post. What exactly are you trying to do???

knoppi 08-28-2004 01:12 AM

I think he wants to count his daily work hours by tapping a key on his bb when he starts and ends. The bb keeps a kind of log of his working time ...

kirson 08-28-2004 01:42 AM

Just a straight time counting program? Click when I start, click when I stop, click when I start, click when I stop, etc.? Wow. A very interesting concept. If it doesn't exist it could actually be fun and manageable to write. Perhaps if I ever get some sleep I'll try and write this myself. The only handicap I have is that I don't really know how to program in Java...or any other modern day programming language for that matter. But that has never stopped me before! I guess it will be fun to try and figure out how to access persistent memory -- I assume you'd want to keep a log...<click> <click> <click> <grind> <brain slowly slips into gear after years of hibernation>

Gothalyptic 08-28-2004 09:25 AM

You got it, basically:

"Hi boss, I'm here to work"
*Logs into work computer and clocks on to work*
*opens Blackberry schedule program to start count*

"See ya guys tomorrow, hopefully we sell more phones"
*Logs out of work computer and clocks out*
*opens blackberry schedule program to end count*

*Goes homes, opens it up bi-weekly to make sure he's getting paid for his time worked*

*enjoys an ice cold beer when he finds out his life has just been made easier*


kirson 08-28-2004 10:10 PM

OK, I get it. I have a few very busy weeks coming up, but once things calm down a bit, I will try and write an application to do this. If I ever get it to work, I'll post the code, and you can do with it as you wish. If there are any actual developers reading this -- my guess is that this would take an hour or two to take from concept to implementation, if you know your stuff -- feel free to step in :D

Mark Rejhon 08-28-2004 10:19 PM

Another idea is to use the Blackberry Addressbook, you enter "STARTWORK" in the time you start work, and you type 'ENDWORK" in the time you end work.

You could simply manually calculate this later when you sync to Outlook. Or you can use a separate program would scan through this and tell you how many hours per day, how many hours per week, etc., that you worked. (Also prompts you if a day only has STARTWORK or ENDWORK rather than both, in case you forgot to check in or check out on a day)

A dedicated program might be better though -- but it's an idea!

eradis 09-01-2004 10:10 PM

Check out:

Tom 09-01-2004 10:26 PM

kirson 09-02-2004 10:20 AM


Let me know if you still need/want the simple click to start, click to stop type application. It will most likely be a while before I can turn my attention to it...


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