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rjansen3 11-01-2008 06:10 PM

Blackberry Messenger Re-routing to wrong device
This issue involves 3 devices. In an effort to make this easier, I will identify them.

Device 1: a BB 8830 on sprint.
Device 2: a BB 8330 on sprint.
Device 3: a BB 8330 on sprint.

I am the previous owner of device 1 and the current owner of device 2. I have activated device 2 and moved all information and BIS account over to Device 2's PIN. After my friend activated device 1 on her line and started her BIS account, everything seems to be working ok. The problems begin after adding contacts to BBM. All invites go ok, and the proper name is displayed on devices 2 and 3 after invites have been accepted. However, any messages sent to device 1 from device 3 get routed to device 2, my new BB, instead of to device 1, my old BB. Messages sent from device 2 to device 1 work fine. Messages sent from device 1 to device 2 or 3 work fine. Also, PIN messages between all devices are working fine. So the problem seems to be limited to BB messenger. I tried erasing both contacts from device 3 and re-inviting/accepting to no avail. Hopefully someone here has some helpful knowledge. Thanks in advance!

JSanders 11-01-2008 06:52 PM


So the glitch is when Device 3 sends BBM to Device 1, is routed to Device 2?

rjansen3 11-01-2008 07:11 PM

Wirelessly posted

Correct, and to further complicate it, on device 3, when you open a chat window with device 1, it displays device 2's username even though in the contacts list, it shows device 1's username. So confusing!

prodigee 11-01-2008 07:52 PM

try jotting down all your bbm contacts...

plug your bb into the pc & open up desktop manager...

in the back up device option, go to advance... then clear the blackberry messenger data on your device...

restart your device... open bbm... add each contact individually (not through the bu/restore)

see if that works. do it on all 3 devices.

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