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CatherineLW 07-03-2008 05:29 PM

Tethering / Bluetooth Modem - Blackberry 8820 in Mac OS 10.5 - Leopard
I have the tethering plan through AT&T on my Blackberry 8820. I am trying to use the Blackberry as a Bluetooth modem and tether it to my Macbook Pro (10.5.3 - Leopard). I have downloaded updated modem scripts for Leopard, I have watched some video tutorial on the subject, I have dug through forums ad nauseam. AT&T and RIM won't give Mac support.

Does anyone know how to do this? I've tried several configurations with no success. It gets stuck on "Authenticating." I've also seen several different username/password/phone number combinations out there. I see the following configuration most often:

Username: [email address]
Password: CINGULAR1
Phone: *99#

However, I've never seen this combo used for 8820 on Leopard specifically.

So before I tear my hair out, does anyone have any idea about this?

CatherineLW 07-04-2008 04:00 PM

Now my question is, does anyone know how to do USB tethering?

CatherineLW 07-04-2008 04:31 PM

After using wap.cingular as the phone number field and WAP@CINGULARGPRS dot COM (sorry--I can't insert links yet...grrrr) as the username, I was able to connect AND I'm able to connect using isp in place of WAP in both fields.

aeroport 07-12-2008 06:45 PM

Hello Catherine

I've BEEN tearing my hair!!
Same issue as you.

Tethering BB 8320 TMOBILE to MacBookpro running 10.5.4 and of course there is no support out there for Apple!

What exactly did you enter in each field: username, password and phone number?

Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated!



CatherineLW 07-13-2008 06:37 AM

I have to post a few times in order to add that information (no links until I've posted 10 times. I have 3 more to go). Please forgive me for what I'm about to do.

CatherineLW 07-13-2008 06:37 AM


CatherineLW 07-13-2008 06:37 AM


CatherineLW 07-13-2008 06:38 AM


CatherineLW 07-13-2008 06:39 AM

Okay. From the forums at (which also contains updated modem scripts). Note that for us, APN = "Phone Number" field:

Try these first:

* APN: wap.cingular
* Username: [email address]
* Password: CINGULAR1

If those don't work, try these:

* Username: [email address]
* Password: CINGULAR1

CatherineLW 07-13-2008 06:41 AM

By the way. I ran into problems with this setup. I've heard other people have the same issue, and just haven't had time to look into it. It connected fine the first time, then I logged off to try the second setup from above, and from then on, the connection timed out at various stages--usually when connecting or disconnecting. Go figure. I'll update if I find anymore guidance on this issue.

CatherineLW 07-13-2008 06:57 AM

I removed the battery, and it worked. Now that I think about it, I realize that was the solution I read some people mention before I had this issue. Remains to be seen whether I'll have the same issue next time I try to connect.

Also, I can't recommend highly enough. Grant Goodale--the guy who wrote the modem scripts--appears to respond directly to all posters. I say "appears" because he hasn't responded to my question about USB tethering, yet. Anyway--GREAT resource, and a one-stop-shop for many questions so far.

aeroport 07-13-2008 02:41 PM

HI Catherine and THANK YOU!!! for your response!
I had also "discovered" fibble yesterday but couldn't really figure out what I had to do with all the info. That is: after I managed to decipher thru it all!
You must think I'm a ditz!!
Now, I tried posting to Fibble but can't even manage that! Here is the post below that I was "attempting" to leave on Fibble!

Hello! I feel like I've been led to a guru.
Could someone point me in the direction of (a less hurtful and embarrassing solution) where I can follow step by step instructions on bluetooth tethering.
Most of the posts speak in a language I don't know enough about to apply to my own drama. Meaning: You guys are PROS!
BB Curve 8320 Tmobile (unfortunately) to a MacBookPro (10.5.4)
Any help would be IMMENSLY appreciated!

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