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egatehouse 04-02-2008 12:30 PM

Sprint Instinct vs. BB Curve
Hello All,

I was reading today about a new device caled the Samsung Instinct on the Sprint network. I wanted to query the knowledge trust as to what they thought of the device. My wife wants to trade her 8700c for an iphone. My arguement was that it does not handle email very securely and it's too expensive. Those have worked for now.

Has anyone seen or used this phone. Would he interface be easier for someone who is not technically savvy. Main uses for her BB are email, phone and web.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

ezrunner 04-02-2008 01:09 PM

Wirelessly posted (blackberry 8140)

Haven't seen or touched the device! Personally I think BB is better

However what you must consider is what in a device is important for you then seek out devices that meet that need then compare those

quillhill 04-02-2008 01:13 PM

You might want to dig around on YouTube and search for some of the various videos coming out of CTIA from bloggers and the like. The Instinct won't be released until June and it's not being billed as a smartphone so I'm not really sure that it's comparable to a BlackBerry -- thought comparisons to the iPhone are inevitable.

Its spec sheet isn't bad (GPS, EVDO Rev. A, 2 MP camera, 3.2 inch touchscreen) but based on what I've seen so far, I'm not that impressed, but until it drops it's really hard to say much about it. Given that Sprint had a hand in developing the UI ... well, I'll have to reserve final judgment for now but it doesn't look like something I'd replace my BB for.

Walt 04-04-2008 07:55 AM

I don't think I would give up my Blackberry for the Instinct but if someone is thinking about switching to an iPhone I would give the Samsung a serious look. Just being on the Sprint EVDO network puts the iPhone EDGE to shame. I also think I read somewhere that the Samsung will have removable batteries. Something iPhone failed to provide. Also the browser on the Instinct will be a full HTML browser similar to Safari on the iPhone. 05-18-2008 05:20 PM
I found a great forum dedicated to everything about the Samsung Instinct. Have comments or questions- go here!


tsac 05-18-2008 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 934531)
I found a great forum dedicated to everything about the Samsung Instinct. Have comments or questions- go here!


Interesting method to sell Sprint service. did you really think the BB folks on this site would change? Lotsa Luck :x
Even your Post on that site sounded like a sales pitch

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